Geslachtsziekten en mond- en keelaandoeningen

18 september 2013 Geen reacties

Mond- en keelaandoeningen bij HIV-patiënten die worden veroorzaakt door een infectie met Neisseria gonorrhoea beginnen een ernstig probleem te vormen voor homoseksuele mannen. De prevalentie onder een groep onderzochte mannen in Madrid duidt op een bijna zorgwekkende toename.

Prevalence of pharyngeal gonorrhoea in men who have sex with men human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients is not entirely known. We cultured the pharynx of 264 asymptomatic men who have sex with men human immunodeficiency virus-positive individuals in downtown Madrid. A questionnaire on sexual and drug use risk behaviours was taken. Gonococci were isolated in 25 (9.46%). Among the whole study population, 65% had a history of sexual intercourse with two or more partners on a single day and 26% were involved in group sex with other men. Only 29% regularly used condoms in all sexual encounters and 63% used condoms only in insertive anal intercourse. When asked on oral sex, 89% of patients engaged in insertive and/or receptive oral sex and 86% recognized that they did not regularly request the use of condoms when practising "fellatio" to a partner. Cocaine, crystal methamphetamine or alcohol use and a previous history of ≥1 STD were significantly more common among culture-positive patients. Gonococcal colonization of the pharynx was self-limited in patients that were not treated and re-cultured a mean 18.45 ± 5.18 days after diagnosis. Asymptomatic pharyngeal gonorrhoea is common among human immunodeficiency virus-infected men who have sex with men and may contribute to the increasing epidemic of gonorrhoea in Madrid.

Jiménez E, Pedrazuela MG, Pérez MM, de Mosteyrín SF, Arrieta JJ, Guerrero ML. Prevalence of pharyngeal infection by Neisseria gonorrhoeae among human immunodeficiency virus-positive men who have sex with men in downtown Madrid, 2011. Int J STD AIDS 2013 Jul 19. [Epub ahead of print].


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