Mondzorgverleners en mondkanker

28 maart 2013 Geen reacties

In de opleiding en in de nascholing van tandartsen en mondhygiënisten wordt in ons land nauwelijks aandacht besteed aan het opsporen van mondkanker tijdens de gebitscontrole. Een Duits onderzoek toont dat meer aandacht voor de symptomen van mondkanker in de curricula en in de nascholingsprogramma’s zijn vruchten afwerpt. Mondzorgverleners zijn daardoor sneller in staat de juiste diagnose te stellen en een behandeltraject in te stellen.

The question whether educational programmes improve dentists' knowledge of oral cancer is still an unexplored subject. The aim of this study was to assess dentists' opinions and practices concerning oral cancer using a standardised survey after educational intervention over one year. Following a baseline survey which was mailed to every dentist in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany (n = 2280), the results were analysed to produce a multifaceted educational programme. After educational intervention, the same survey was redistributed and the results before and after intervention were compared. The results are based on 394 surveys. Following intervention, 62% of responders, compared to 49% at baseline, described their overall knowledge as current. The percentage of dentists routinely investigating older patients at the recall appointment increased from 28% at baseline to 37% if the responders had attended a continuing education course during the period of intervention. Similar improvements were observed at initial appointment for older patients, with results improving from 33% to 38% for responders who attended a further educational course. Our results showed that a 1-year educational intervention with a multifaceted approach was successful. They underline that continuing education programmes improve the competence of dentists performing examination of the oral cavity. Therefore, regular participation in continuing educational courses is recommended.


Hertrampf K, Wenz HJ, Koller M, Grund S, Wiltfang J. Early detection of oral cancer: Dentists' opinions and practices before and after educational interventions in Northern-Germany. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2013 Feb 20. pii: S1010-5182(13)00034-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2013.01.019. Epub ahead of print.


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