Titaniumallergie bij patiënten met implantaten

28 maart 2013 Geen reacties

Veroorzaakt titanium in implantaten allergische reacties bij patiënten? Deze nogal eens terugkerende vraag was aanleiding voor een systematisch literatuuronderzoek over een lange periode (1977-2010). Uiteindelijk werden 7 onderzoeksartikelen aan een analyse onderworpen. Een bevestiging van de relatie tussen titanium en een allergie bij patiënten met een implantaat kon in de gerapporteerde onderzoeken niet worden gevonden.

A worrying correlation which seems to be overlooked by clinicians is allergic reactions to titanium (Ti) in patients with dental implants. The aim of the present review study was to assess whether or not Ti sensitivity is associated with allergic reactions in patients with dental implants. To address the focused question "Can Ti cause allergic reactions in patients with dental implants?", databases were explored from 1977 until May 2010 using a combination of the following keywords: allergy, dental, hypersensitivity, implant, oral, and Titanium. Letters to the editor and unpublished data were excluded. Seven studies (six clinical and one experimental) were included. The participants were aged between 14.3 and 84.1 years. In five clinical studies, Ti implants were inserted in the mandible. Five studies reported dermal inflammatory conditions and gingival hyperplasia as allergic reactions in patients with Ti dental implants. A case report presented swelling in submental and labial sulcus and hyperemia of soft tissues in a patient with Ti dental implants. Two studies reported that Ti implants are well tolerated in host tissues. The patch test was performed in two clinical studies for the diagnosis of allergic reactions. Memory lymphocyte immunostimulation assay and lymphocyte transformation tests were also performed. The significance of Ti as a cause of allergic reactions in patients with dental implants remains unproven.


Javed F, Al-Hezaimi K, Almas K, Romanos GE. Is titanium sensitivity associated with allergic reactions in patients with dental implants? A review. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2013; 151: 47-52. doi: 10.1111/j.1708-8208.2010.00330.x. Epub 2011 Mar 17.


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